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Dead simple fully managed Rojo helper for Roblox projects


Rostar is a command-line tool that unpacks/packs Roblox place files (rbxl/rbxlx) into model files and .lua scripts in the filesystem, for use with Rojo.

Think of it like being able to treat your rbxl files like a zip file.

We made this for developers who do all their work in Roblox Studio, but who also wanted an easy to get the benefits of storing their models and scripts in files (such as being able to use Git), without changing their workflow.

Rostar is also fitting for Rojo users that would like a fully managed workflow without going through the hassle of the traditional workflow (i.e. writing Remodel scripts, editing the Rojo project file when wanting to make changes). See the Rojo-first workflow guide for more info.

How it works

Rostar functions by wrapping Remodel and Rojo and turning their functionality into the unpack and pack commands. The tool walks your rbxl/rbxlx DataModel and tries to create folders and files that match what was found.


  • Scripts are extracted into lua files;
  • Folders are recreated 1:1;
  • Models are extracted into their own rbxm/rbxmx files when possible (see below);
  • Loose instances (such as random parts in your scene) get included into a parent model file.


  • Currently cannot handle package links, as Rojo does not support them;
  • Models or scripts with duplicate names and paths will be treated as loose instances and packaged into their parent model file.


A huge thankyou to Tacheometry who literally put this entire thing together and was patient while we described what we wanted!

A MEGA HUGE thankyou and shoutout to the whole Rojo and Remodel team and community, because this is 100% derived and dependent on their work.
